Friday, February 8, 2008

Friday Training Ride: GO LANCE!

I got my first "GO LANCE!!!" shouted to me out of an SUV window today! W00t!

All the while I was sitting in the Great Parking Lot of Route 66 (rubberneckers for a 3-vehicle accident), I was thinking "if this takes me any longer, I might as well have ridden my bike today"--which I should have, since it was damn nice today.

Oh well. I rode when I got home, opting to go up Walney and Poplar Tree and exploring Jacob's Neighborhood instead of my "usual" route, going to my parents' house and back. I got over 12 miles out of it (up 4 from the 8 I would've gotten with my usual route), plus I learned that practically every road winds back on itself and/or leads to Stringfellow or Route 50. Good times. There was one part where I got a little more-lost than I wanted to be, but when I saw super tall, slender trees, I figured out where I was instantly and was able to orientate and bring myself back to Stringfellow...where I got my "Go Lance!" shout.

I was all ready with a "GET A HORSE!" comeback, too (preemptive against "GET ON THE SIDEWALK!"), but the shout put me off guard and all I could do was grin =)

Distance: 12.62miles
Saddle Time: 44m21s
Actual Time: 50m
Start Time: 5:05PM
End Time: 5:55PM
Start Outside Temp: 49°F
End Outside Temp: 49°F
Max Speed: 26.9mph
Avg Speed (saddle): 17.1mph
Avg Speed (actual): 15.1mph

First TnT ride tomorrow! 8AM! Hooray!

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