Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tuesday Buddy Ride

Eff traffic. I left work early, got home early, got on the road early...and got stuck in traffic, and wound up getting to W&OD/Rte.28 5 minutes late. Effing traffic. Never fails.

So I gunned it and caught up to (and passed) my teammates in short order. I figured that I should make up for not having been on a bike in nearly a week, so I would go further faster--I did just that, averaging 18-mph over 25 miles.

Bike: Trek 1500
Distance: 25.26mi
Saddle Time: 1h23m49s
Actual Time: 1h25m
Start Time: 6:05PM
End Time: 7:30PM
Start Outside Temp: 68°F
End Outside Temp: 68°F
Max Speed: 29.3mph
Avg Speed (saddle): 18.1mph
Avg Speed (actual): 17.8mph

Afterwards, we went to Bertucci's and I actually exercised restraint by getting just a half-salad and a cup of soup.

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